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Miho Kuriki

Shared Lines: Christchurch / Sendai exhibiting artist





Hello, my name is Miho Kuriki

I am a senior technical specialist for the medical department at Tohoku University, working on graphic design and editorial design. I am also an illustrator and continue to exhibit my work

My latest project involves drawing images of endangered wild animals

Thousands of beautiful wild animals are threatened with extinction due to the selfishness of humans and their careless destruction of the natural environment. The theme of my work is to focus on this situation and to explore ways for humankind and the natural world to live in harmony.





This image illustrates the scope of my theme.

Animals are portrayed in the natural environment.

The complex illustration is composed of many intricately combined elements, highlighting the astonishing diversity in the world of nature. It expresses that humans and animals are interconnected and mutually dependent.





The lion is one of the world’s critically endangered species.

In my illustrations, I try not to embellish and to be as realistic as possible. I try to capture the intrinsic beauty of nature and the innate qualities that the animals possess. I try not to shy away from the difficult and desperate situations that many of these species face. My style is to document the situation honestly

While it is still possible to see lions in a zoo, they may soon be gone from this world. Reputable scientists predict that lions face extinction within twenty years.



スマトラトラも、動物園などで普通に見ることの出来る動物ですが、密漁や森林伐採などによる生息地の激減等により、絶滅に向かっています。国際自然保護連合・IUCNのレッドリストでは、「絶滅寸前」(CRITICALLY ENDANGERD)に指定されています。

The Sumatran tiger is another critically endangered big cat.

While the Sumatran tiger is currently a common sight in zoos, they are threatened with extinction by habitat loss, mainly due to deforestation and creeping urbanization, and by poaching. The Sumatran tiger is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as “critically endangered” on its Red List of Threatened Species.





This gentle giant is the mountain gorilla. While the mountain gorilla conjures up vicious images in the minds of some people, in truth they are a peaceful and even-tempered species.







My final illustration is of a polar bear. As a result of global warming which has caused the polar caps to melt, and a corresponding decrease in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic, polar bears face dramatic and catastrophic habitat loss, threatening the species with extinction. Global warming is a serious issue. The average global temperature is expected to rise by between 1 and 6 degrees Celsius by 2100.

Nature is comprised of extremely complicated systems that connect and rely on one another. With animals removed from the equation, it is impossible for humans to survive. As we push more and more species into extinction, humankind endangers our own species as well.

I hope my work is an opportunity for people to examine these acute problems and to perhaps alter their way of looking at the world.

Thank you very much for listening.

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