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Awakening the Taniwha

Open 11:30am to 7:00pm Wednesdays to Sundays

19 February - 13 March 2022 (and perhaps beyond!)

10 Courtenay Place, Wellington

In the shadow of Tangi Te Keo (Mount Victoria Lookout), Linda Lee’s pop-up maker space Awakening the Taniwha – a response to Shared Lines: Pūtahitanga – brings the Surrealist exquisite corpse mode of collaboration to tell the tale the taniwha of Te Whanganui-ā-Tara - Ngāke and Whātaitai. 

Linda LeeTangi Te Keo, Man's Domain and  Overseer, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2020.

Taniwha are supernatural creatures who inhabit rivers, lakes, caves or the sea - some are terrifying, others protective. Many were said to have accompanied our Polynesian ancestors to Āotearoa. Taniwha are our ancient guide to resource management and perhaps offer us a new way to navigate our understanding of pandemic. Explore taniwha as a metaphor for Covid-19, the pandemic, the vaccines, the mandates, protests and much more. 

At the maker-space, 106 Courtney Place, you are invited to make your own taniwha through various mediums: master carver Natanahira Pona, weaver Frank Topia and artists Ngaroma Riley and Linda Lee and have provided a variety of resources.  

The space provides a reading and conversational/writing and digital media area for sharing perspectives and a weaving space, while an exhibition will include viewings of the 60 Pūtahitanga artists' original artworks. We hope to provide a magical sensory experience for visitors and through our space inspire the next generation to think about the importance we play in kaitiakitanga or collective guardianship.

Drop by to weave, read, draw and learn about taniwha, why tupuna held them in such high esteem, and how we can maintain relationships with them today.

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  SLC would like to thank the following for their support:

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