記憶を辿る Tohu Mahara: Tracing Memories
Yuriko Asano
Showcase, Artist Talk and Workshop
2/113 Taranaki St
16 - 17 April 2024
1pm-6pm daily

Asano Yuriko, Woodcut Prints of Plants Series, (2022) A4
Yuriko Asano visits various places to learn about food culture and the use of plants. She traces her interactions with the people she meets and her own experiences, and draws as if to record what has been passed down in the land.
"Her works are not mere botanical paintings, but rather focus on the wisdom and knowledge that has long been passed down from generation to generation in the local area. They also include an awareness of contemporary issues such as the symbiosis between humans and nature, which is being lost in modern society, the perspective on non-human lives, the cycle of life, and women’s labor. Through her colorful and vital paintings, Asano is trying to celebrate this rich world."(snow contemporary)
浅野の作品は、"単なる植物画にとどまらず、土地に長く伝わる知恵や知識に着目し、現代社会で失われつつある人と自然との共生や、人間以外の生き物に対する視点、生命の循環、あるいは女性の労働など、きわめて現代的な問題意識を内包しています。そしてその色彩豊かで生命力にあふれる絵画作品を通じ、浅野はこの豊かな世界を祝福しているのです。"(snow contemporary)
Artist Talk 5pm 16 April

In Aotearoa, she would like to hear from local people about the food culture (including hunting, cultivation, and fishing) that is rooted in the region, and women's handiwork (raranga), and by experiencing them, she would like to learn about the things they want to pass down from generation to generation. She would like to depict in paintings the customs and lifestyle that are dying out and still remain alive in people's memories.
*Refreshments and kōrero provided.
If you would like to contribute to Yuriko's research please complete this form
Gofun Workshop
Pigments with Oyster Shell
5pm - 6pm 17 April
*Also available for walk ins during open hours if we're quiet

Yuriko Asano paints using Japanese traditional pigments. In this workshop, we will show Japanese painting materials, and we will make “gofun'', a paint made from oyster shells, and “suihi paint'', which is made by adding pigments to gofun.
Refreshments and kōrero provided.
Yuriko Asano has been accompanied by Aya Takada, curator of Birdo Flugas.
With special thanks to:
Ash Holwell
Genevieve Rae
Kohai Grace
Ngaroma Riley
Rangimoana (Te Papa)
Ricky Prebble
Tim Park
Birdo Flugas
Urban Dream Brokerage
Ngā Hau e Wha o Paparanga Marae
Ōtari Raranga Weavers
Taniwha Noa
Wellington Gardens
And we wish to acknowledge:
Taranaki Whānui
Te Ati Awa
Ngāti Toa Rangatira