Robbi Carvalho
Shared Lines: Pūtahitanga exhibiting artist

Await (2020) Indian Ink on A3 paper
b. 1977, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2003 Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism – UFBA - Bahia, Brasil
2011 Contemporary Jewellery - AR.CO (Art Center and Visual Communication) - Lisbon, Portugal
Robbi Carvalho is a Brazilian artist based in Christchurch since 2019. She has participated in group exhibitions in Portugal, Brazil, Poland and New Zealand. In Christchurch, she is an Art-Education Volunteer at Scape Public Art and worked as an art tutor volunteer for people with intellectual disabilities.
Indian ink has been her most used medium, but exploring different materials and techniques is her challenge and delight.
The woman's body is her main study from a female gaze and with a feminist sensibility. Nature is the scenery that guides her work. Her art is an invitation to a meditative dive; an encounter with your intuition and more subtle energies.
Contemplating nature and feeling part of it nourishes her life and art - and it has also been her salvation.
Shared Lines: Pūtahitanga 2020

120,869 were killed in my country by Covid-19.
Those infected already exceed 4 millions.
I don't need to wear masks, but I can't breathe.
During the day, the weighty body moves without grace, being pushed by daily tasks. In Brazil, my family and friends have been inside their homes for over 100 days. Sleepless, I wander along the banks of the river that flows in me, every night.
As if in a ritual, I bathe in these waters and let them wash me.
I let them take me.
I surrender to the force of the current because the only thing I have left is my intuition. Only with my eyes closed can I see the future.
My art is a silent scream.