Shino Echigo
Shared Lines: Christchurch /Sendai exhibiting artist
仙台市を拠点に制作活動をしております越後しのと申します。GALLERY ECHIGO というアトリエ兼ギャラリーも作家活動と平行してやっております。
My name is Echigo Shino. I’m an artist based in Sendai.
I also run a studio-cum-gallery called “GALLERY ECHIGO”. I work primarily in paint under the title “Cultivation”, but I’ve also been making prints since last year. The prints are made from the drawings I sketch every day instead of keeping a diary.

I’d been interested in printmaking for a while, but I’d never really had the chance to try it. Fortunately, last year I was taught printmaking techniques by Ohori-Sensei and the students of Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka College. Using a needle to scratch and strip away smooth, thick paper is very simple, and it’s a technique that suits me.

Ever since I started making prints, I have rediscovered their appeal and depth. Even the way I look at them aesthetically has changed since I started making them myself. I’ve made many illuminating new discoveries.
I really hate that I’m never any good at explaining my work, but I want keep making art that enters the viewer’s mind and begins a dialog with them.